Awards Nominations Overview
The AFP Greater Dallas Chapter is seeking nominations for the 2025 National Philanthropy Day Awards to be presented at the National Philanthropy Day Celebration on Thursday, November 13, 2025. We invite your nominations for:
- Outstanding Philanthropist
- Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser
- Outstanding Fundraising Executive
- Outstanding Foundation
- Outstanding Corporation
- Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy
Click here to read Tips for Submitting a Successful Nomination.
The deadline for submitting nominations is Monday, April 14, 2025. At that time, nominations will be considered by the AFP Greater Dallas Chapter National Philanthropy Day Awards Selection Committee, which is composed of former honorees of the Outstanding Fundraising Executive Award and Chapter Leaders.
Nomination Requirements
- Nominations of past honorees for the same award will not be considered. Before determining your nominations, please click here to carefully review the list of past award honorees.
- Make certain that the nominee will accept the award, if selected. Do not submit a nomination until you have discussed the nomination with the potential nominee.
- Honorees must be present at the celebration. Make certain nominees will be available on Thursday, November 13, 2025 from 3:45 - 6:30 PM to receive the award, if selected.
All nominations must be submitted via the online nomination system by Monday, April 14, 2025.
If you have any questions, please click here to contact the Greater Dallas AFP office.
Awards Program
The Dallas Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) sponsors an annual awards program to recognize outstanding achievement of national scope by individual, foundation and corporate philanthropists, fundraising volunteers, and professional fundraising executives.
In professional fundraising, such individuals and organizations form a vital partnership that philanthropy must have to maintain its contribution to mankind. It is right and proper, therefore, that we honor those who best exemplify commitment, dedication and talent toward helping society.
Nominations may be made by clicking on the appropriate link(s) below. The appropriate online form must be completed for all nominations. All nominations must be submitted via the online nomination system by Monday, April 14, 2025.
Selection Process
Nominations for each award may be placed by an individual or organization. A member of the AFP Greater Dallas Chapter must either sign / certify the nomination, or the name of a chapter member must be listed as endorsing the nomination. Criteria for the nominations are listed below. Completeness of information is essential for consideration. The Awards Selection Committee will make a final selection for each award. All categories will be awarded having met AFP selection criteria and historical high standards of achievement. If, in the judgment of the Committee, no nominees meet the criteria, an award may not be given.
Presentation of Awards
The honorees will be notified of their selection in June and accept their awards at the National Philanthropy Day Celebration celebration, held annually in November. Honorees must be present to receive their awards.
New and Previous Nominations
Please click the appropriate button below to start a new nomination.
If you have previously begun or submitted a nomination, click here to receive a link to access your nomination.
Awards and Criteria for Nomination
AFP Outstanding Philanthropist Award
This award is presented to an individual or family with a proven record of exceptional generosity who, through direct financial support, has demonstrated outstanding civic and charitable responsibility, and whose generosity encourages others to take philanthropic leadership roles on a community, national and / or international level. Your nomination should include the following information with specific examples:
- Evidence of direct gift support.
- Description of impact of gift support.
- Evidence of encouragement and motivation given to others to take leadership roles in philanthropy.
- Description of participation in and gift support of multiple not-for-profit organizations, in the community, nationally and / or internationally.
- Evidence of philanthropic support of innovative approaches to solving problems.
AFP Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award
The individual eligible for this nomination must have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills in coordinating groups of volunteers for major fundraising projects of more than one not-for-profit organization. The honoree should demonstrate exceptional skills coordinating and motivating groups of volunteers for fundraising projects for the benefit of charitable institutions and a commitment to the advancement of philanthropy. List your nominee's specific achievements for the past year or several years, such as:
- Description of time, effort and financial commitment.
- Description of fundraising goals achieved by his / her effort.
- Evidence of success in recruiting and motivating others.
- Description of participation in other local, national or international not-for-profit organizations.
AFP Outstanding Fundraising Executive Award
This award is designed for an outstanding individual fundraising executive who practices his / her profession in an exemplary manner. Your nomination should include the following:
- Description of career achievements, i.e., length and tenure of fundraising background, experience and results. The honoree must have at least fifteen years professional fundraising experience.
- Evidence of quality of leadership that is effective, creative and stimulating and evidence that the individual acts as a team player.
- Membership in AFP and evidence that individual practices and promotes the AFP Code of Ethical Principles & Standards of Professional Practice for fundraising executives.
- Description of individual's commitment to continuing professional development, including AFP certification (CFRE/ACFRE), conference participation, publication and professional education.
- Evidence of commitment to this profession and to philanthropy through voluntary service and financial support of not- for-profit organizations.
- Current membership in the AFP Dallas Chapter.
NOTE: The current AFP Dallas Chapter President and deceased individuals are not eligible for nomination.
AFP Outstanding Foundation Award
To qualify for this award, a foundation must demonstrate outstanding commitment through financial support and through encouragement and motivation of others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and national, international and / or community involvement. List your nominee's achievements, including:
- Evidence of philanthropic support of innovative approaches to solving problems.
- Evidence of encouragement and motivation given to others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement.
- Evidence of direct financial support indicated by support of projects in the community, nationally and / or internationally.
- Description of impact of financial support on above projects.
- Description of specific achievements accomplished through the organization's efforts.
AFP Outstanding Corporation Award
To qualify for this award, a corporation must demonstrate outstanding commitment through financial support and through encouragement and motivation of others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement. List your nominee's achievements, including:
- Evidence of direct gift support indicated by support of projects in the community, nationally and / or internationally.
- Description of impact of gift support on above projects.
- Description of specific achievements accomplished through the organization's efforts.
- Evidence of encouragement and motivation given to others to take leadership roles toward philanthropy and community involvement.
- Evidence of philanthropic support of innovative approaches to solving problems.
AFP Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award
This award recognizes service by an individual or group of young people ages 5-23 who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the community through direct financial support, development of charitable programs, volunteering and leadership in philanthropy. Your nomination should include the following:
- Evidence of direct gift support.
- Description of impact gift support.
- Evidence of encouragement and motivation given to others to take leadership roles in philanthropy, 300 words maximum.
- Evidence of philanthropic support of innovative approaches to solving problems.